3 Things to Transform Your Confidence

Confidence is somewhat of a buzz word these days. When it comes to words like this, they can feel so large and difficult to live out.

So here are 3 practical things you can do starting TODAY to transform your confidence. (If you intake information better through video, here is a YouTube video where I talk about this too!)

1. Daily affirmations from the Word of God.

You can do this through journaling and writing down the truth of Scripture over yourself, listening to the Bible app as you drive, or even just jotting down relevant Bible verses on a Post-It note and sticking it on your mirror so you see it every morning. However you choose to do it, remind yourself of your worth and identity in Jesus every single day.

This will help you rewire your mindset to focus on your strengths and your God-given potential, instead of on your shortcomings and weaknesses - periodt!

Hebrews 4:12 says, “The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword,” which means ~ it's powerful for you! Some of us really be out here sleeping on how powerful the Word of God is, so much so that we don't even use it past a Sunday morning when we open it at church… IF we remember to even bring it with us. (I’m not trying to come for you. If the Spirit's coming for you, then that's on Him. Ahem, ahem. ;))

Put the Word of God to use daily. Get in the habit of making the Word of God come alive in your life.

2. Get outside of your comfort zone.

Look you all, I know it's not very comfortable being outside our comfort zones; but if you consistently get used to being uncomfortable, it builds your confidence in any situation.

Some examples of this are initiating a conversation with a friend at church or with your next door neighbor, volunteering yourself for a leadership role at work that you normally wouldn’t, trying a new hobby, or going to dinner or a movie by yourself, if that makes you uncomfortable. Pushing yourself outside your familiar boundaries will build both your resilience and your confidence, as well as repeatedly remind you that God has equipped you for every single thing He calls you to. That way, you can just stay trusting in His strength as you take courageous steps forward.

I recently appreciated the simple power of this anew when I started learning how to ride a motorcycle. (You can check it out here!) There aren’t many things I can think of that grow your confidence and humble you in the same way that learning to ride a motorcycle will. And though I'm not perfect at it yet — probably won’t ever be — though I still make so many mistakes; though I get frustrated because I'm not good immediately, it's so good for me to accept all of me, including my imperfection. It builds my self-confidence in a special way, so that when I come up against new things in future, I will already have the tools that learning to ride a motorcycle has afforded me. I’ll be able to apply that to the new skill or situation, even if that situation is uncomfortable.

Getting in the habit of doing this with different things really helps grow your inner strength, because you’ll start looking at challenges as an opportunity for growth and a chance to grow your faith in the Lord, instead of looking at them as obstacles or things that are just negative and unfortunate. This is a great way to take control of your life instead of just looking at everything like you're a helpless victim.

3. Get yourself a support system.

It's all well and good to like find things online that encourage you and empower you, like this blog post (*wink, wink*)… But if you and I don't ever hang out in person because we don't know each other like that, then that's never going to fill you like in-person community will. 'Cause, spoiler alert: you were never meant to do life alone.

It's really important to surround yourself with like-minded Christian women who will lift you up and encourage you. PSA ~ this means that sometimes you’re gonna have to be the one to initiate with the existing friends in your life! Don't always just wait for them to contact you. Healthy relationships are two-way street, ya feel?

If you don't have any women in your life like this, ask God to open your eyes to who in your life can become that. You can join a woman's Bible study group through your church or find one online through Facebook groups or Meet Ups. You can attend a Christian conference and connect with other women there. From home, you can engage in online communities where connections you make there can move offline.

Having a support system of on-fire-for-God women with whom you can share your strengths and your victories, and who you can allow to speak into your life ,will give you invaluable encouragement and accountability on your journey to greater confidence.

If you really have no prospects for women like this, go back to Number Two in this list, and get yourself out there in the wild!
It'll be all right, God'll be with you.

You got this!


When Women Are “Divisive”


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